Remote Teaching Defined

In the event of an unexpected campus closure, whether due to health emergencies or severe weather, you might need to move your teaching to a digital environment. Remote teaching is a way to continue instruction when face-to-face meetings are disrupted and you are not able to meet in person.

Teaching a fully online course requires careful planning and many hours of preparation whereas remote teaching is more reactionary in nature. Remote teaching might not afford you the ability to be overly strategic. It instead focuses on keeping continuity for what you have already started in a face-to-face environment.

The recommendations on this site are meant to lead to the best outcomes for students across the institution, not necessarily the best outcomes for individual courses. This means that some recommendations are meant to reduce the variability of the student experience so that technology becomes less of a filter and/or barrier to student learning. For example, if a student has four classes where each faculty member chooses a unique, innovative, and interactive method for delivering their class remotely, students may struggle because of the variety of technology tools used, even if each individual course is well done in its own right.